Kahuku Afternoon Seminary 2022-23


Course Credit Requirements

Students earn course credit when they complete the following:

1.    Attend at least 75 percent of the class sessions.

2.    Read the current year's book of scripture at least 75 percent of the semester calendar days.

3.    Complete the course learning assessment with 75 percent or more.

Lesson Assignments  - for lesson schedule see:  

Link to Lesson Assignments and Answer Sheets  (You will have to login to google.  Please do not write on the google doc.  Download then write.  Hit the file button in the upper left of the screen and choose "Download".  It will ask you what type of document you want to download. 👍 )

·       Follow the lessons outline on the schedule (follow link above).

·       Generally, you will need to complete 2 lessons every week to get credit.

·       You will use the lessons in the Old Testament Seminary Student Manual (see Home Study Student Old Testament Study Guide)

·       You will submit a lesson answer sheet to Sister Daniel or Elder Lloyd to get credit (again 2 per week).  You can either turn in paper copies, pictures of your paper copies, or an electronic copy to Elder Lloyd (text 509-491-8912 or email jlloydkibe@gmail.com).  When texting or emailing an adult teacher, please send a copy to at least one of your parents (this is required by The Church).



·       You must read as required out of the scriptures we are studying (Fall Semester = Old Testament).  You will be asked each week to report your reading – we use the honor system and trust you.

 Link to Reading Chart: Record Daily Reading Here  (You are welcome to write on this document.  You will have to get my permission but I will quickly grant it. 😁)

Course Assessment

·       You will need to pass the course learning assessment with at least a 75%.

Make Up Work

·       If you are sick or absent, you will be able to arrange make up work to cover your absences.  Your lessons will have a two-week grace period to turn in if you cannot return them in time.
